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Keeper Business Plus

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The invoice line item description for Keeper Business Plus would be "Subscription for the advanced password management service, including secure storage, sharing, and autofill. Features include user and team management, multi-factor authentication, and breachwatch dark web monitoring. The ultimate solution for secure and efficient password management in the workplace."
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Key Features:
  • - Industry-leading encryption for Keeper Business Plus
  • - Support for two-factor authentication and team management
  • - Easy-to-use password sharing and syncing across devices
  • - Customizable access and sharing permissions for increased security
  • - Automated password changing and auditing
  • - Secure file storage and sharing capabilities for sensitive documents
  • - Integration with popular single sign-on providers
  • - Comprehensive reporting and analytics for password and user behavior
  • - Mobile app for on-the-go access to passwords and secure files
  • - 24/7 customer support from Keeper Business Plus experts